New in 2.27.0 (2023-08-31)
Internal video Review Platform -
Hubspot quotes now viewable in VMS, coping over when deals are won -
Added attachments section in revisions list for internal review and video landing page
Added general comments section in revisions list for internal review and video landing page
Fixed project dashboard calendar picker
New in 2.26.0 (2023-08-17)
Added media manager dashboard page
Added VMSX side menu
Added footage status type options
Added new roles `Line Manager` & `Senior Manager`.
Client Hub: Added My Team and Production Team on project brief page
Client Hub: Added credit export functionality
Client Hub: Fixed footer display when no branding is applied
Client Hub: Clients how have Project Files in their project pages
Changed the role `Production` to `Production Manager`.
Changed one of the end of month report.
Changed 0 to null when unused credit available does not have value.
Changed video thumbnails links to cloudfront.
Changed logic on credit expire to include today's date.
Removed auto creation of Voiceover disbursement during project creation.
New in 2.19.0 (2023-07-05)
Clients can now provide feedback via drawing on the video directly. So hopefully we start seeing some comments come through with some drawings to help improve the feedback quality soon.
Alongside the drawing feature, we have added some little avatar icons to match with every comment. This way it's easy to recognise where in the video a comment has been left and by who.