New in 2.35.0 - 2024-03-04
Added the function to mark a change as “Completed” on the internal video page
Clients can now see what individual change is completed on the external video page
Added various warning indicators on the VMSX to indicate that the video is currently not in sync with what the client sees and to deliver to sync.
Can now sort comments by timecode or by time created. By default internal video page will be timecode based, external will be time added.
Added ability to expand changes comments to a larger view, including the ability to sort and mark as completed.
Allow all, or multiple changes comments to be open and visible at once. Including a button to expand or collaspe all comments
Fixed an issue where inactive users were cuasing an error
Updated the first time project completion email to use the Hubspot NPS survey instead of Surveyplanet
Optimised the VMSX deployment process
Added Right Click context menu to single events, just like we had for multiple selected events.
Updated the time picker used on Filming and Pre-Production Changes to be consistant with everywhere else
Reduced the height of the calendar cells, to provide the best chance fit 9am-5pm on most screen sizes
Added URL routing to the calendar, allowing for better support for multuple tabs and refreshing.
Added a decimal numbering system to the Internal Video Page, that will align with that of the clients page.
New in 2.34.0 - 2024-02-07
Calendar is now live for everyone and out of beta
Added confirmation popup when deleting calendar events
Enabled 15 minute increments on the calendar
Can now filter by freelancers
Added additional project notes fields for stock footage
Enabled on hold feature on calendar
Added Project Timeline
Relocated the view project button on the calendar popup
Placeholder events can now be sceduled over multiple days
Updated the duration format of filming details
removed illegal charactors from the event copy buttons
Updated the Project Notes buttons to be more prominent
Updated Agenda list to include Bamboo and Google events
Fixed a search bug when on timeline view
Fixed calendar filters not selecting/deselecting correctly
Fixd various other bugs
New in 2.33.0 - 2024-01-25
Added Copy Icon to the calendar event popup
Added placeholder tags to placeholder events
Added new event type “other”
Added feature to allow Pre-Production jobs to be created without calendar events
Added the eye icon to to open project from the calendar popup.
Rearranged the calendar events data to focus more on event name
Fix drag and resize on place holder events
Overwrite the default events filter when searching, allowing for everything to be displayed regardless of what filters are currently applied
Updated the Revenure Report version
New in 2.31.0 - 2023-12-19
Added Timeine view to the VMSX Calendar
Enable the event popup when clicking an event in the agenda
Fixed events with missing data
Fixed various calendar bugs
New in 2.30.0 - 2023-12-12
Added mobile responsiveness to the VMSX Calendar
Optimised project load time
updated calendar loader
New in 2.29.0 - 2023-11-29
Added “Hard Deadline” to Estimated Delivery Date in the Project Smmary
You can now put Pre-Production and Delivery type Job on hold
Added the VMSX Calendar in a beta environment
Added help button linking to Confluence training space
Added ability to sync Google calendar with VMS calendar
Added Project Notes (EODs)
Updated Media Manager page to include Project Notes
Removed all occurangces of State and Due Dates on jobs
Now syncing Xero (Bamboo Leaves) to VMS to create events
New in 2.28.0 (2023-09-12)
Added ability to select a custom thumbnail
Added pre-production changes functionality
undelivered videos are now hidden from Video Library view until delivered
Updated wording for the footage status labels
Removed Shoot End from automated call sheet
New in 2.27.0 (2023-08-31)
Internal video Review Platform -
Hubspot quotes now viewable in VMS, coping over when deals are won -
Added attachments section in revisions list for internal review and video landing page
Added general comments section in revisions list for internal review and video landing page
Fixed project dashboard calendar picker
New in 2.26.0 (2023-08-17)
Added media manager dashboard page
Added VMSX side menu
Added footage status type options
Added new roles `Line Manager` & `Senior Manager`.
Client Hub: Added My Team and Production Team on project brief page
Client Hub: Added credit export functionality
Client Hub: Fixed footer display when no branding is applied
Client Hub: Clients how have Project Files in their project pages
Changed the role `Production` to `Production Manager`.
Changed one of the end of month report.
Changed 0 to null when unused credit available does not have value.
Changed video thumbnails links to cloudfront.
Changed logic on credit expire to include today's date.
Removed auto creation of Voiceover disbursement during project creation.
New in 2.19.0 (2023-07-05)
Clients can now provide feedback via drawing on the video directly. So hopefully we start seeing some comments come through with some drawings to help improve the feedback quality soon.
Alongside the drawing feature, we have added some little avatar icons to match with every comment. This way it's easy to recognise where in the video a comment has been left and by who.
You can check these out here if you havent already seen the video popup:
Long overdue, clients can now search their Project Deliveries(the videos) So if they have a project with 50 videos, they can actually search for the one they are after now rather than browsing painfully.
A variety of backend changes have been performed to allow us to support Internal Changes. We will continue to focus on this to get it out asap
Apple devices should now be properly displaying the Client Hub and Video Pages. @Dave Mallen let me know if this doesn't seem to be the case.
Various updates have been done to better allow us to claim credits as revenue
Chat has been removed from Client Hub and disabled for use in VMS, you may have noticed its currently in read-only mode in VMS.
General UX improvements to the new video page (EG: sticky approve button)
New in 2.18.0 (2023-06-07)
Demo Videos:
Released an upgraded to our Video Review & Approval platform to now be inside the Client Hub! Take a look! While this will mostly impact our clients, seeing our wonderful videos on a page that looks like this, is good for us all! This means:
All videos delivered to our clients will be using this new page
Everyone, regardless of if they are logged into the Client Hub or not will still be able to see the video and leave feedback. They just wont be able to Approve it, or send it back for changes. Producers, make sure your project owners login to do that!
How we all receive changes as it currently stands has not changed, or at least thats the current intention. This however is going to grow quickly, with features like on-video drawing very close to being finished.
So while this continues to grow, we should hopefully start to see the quality of feedback/comments from clients improve to. Win for us all.
Clients will be prompted with a video demo upon accessing the Client Hub, but overall the experience is very similar just more modern and improved. So while there can always be some teething, we expect clients to adapt pretty easily. We also have a 1 pager you can share if needed with a little details + a video demo. Link: To go alongside this release we also included:
Added new states TASSIE, NT, and International
Further custom client branding updates, including throughout the Client Hub.
Disbursements will now be auto-selected when creating projects, based on the chosen Product Type. The idea is that with the system adding them for you, they can't be forgotten! If it's determined you don't need the disbursement for that particular project, simply remove or modify it.
Added a button to the Video Jobs to approve videos inside the VMS
New in 2.17.0 (2023-05-08)
Demo Video:
Now you can easily create and edit project contacts directly within the VMS platform.
Enhance your brand presence with the newly added company branding feature.
A new script has been introduced to synchronize VMS company with Hubspot Company. (#1396)
Get better insights with the addition of new segmentation data, Total Spend. (#1396)
We have fixed the issue of duplicate project IDs on the Credit Pack Content page. (#1392)
The clear project contact form has been updated for a smoother experience.
These updates aim to improve your workflow and provide a more seamless experience within VMS. Enjoy the new features and enhancements in this latest release!
New in 2.16.0 (2023-04-20)
Added function to save subdomain to companies to support branding feature
The default office of Visual Domain is now automatically applied for internal videos when syncing to Algolia.
A new cancel button in credit order page has been added for Accounts team to cancel orders.
PSD mime type is now allowed for file upload.
A crew list is added on Deliveries tab to indicate who worked on each video
A new column of uuid is added into videos table.
New product element types Photographer, Assistant, and Runner, and event types for the same have been added.