New in 2.17.0 (2023-05-08)
Demo Video:
Now you can easily create and edit project contacts directly within the VMS platform.
Enhance your brand presence with the newly added company branding feature.
A new script has been introduced to synchronize VMS company with Hubspot Company. (#1396)
Get better insights with the addition of new segmentation data, Total Spend. (#1396)
We have fixed the issue of duplicate project IDs on the Credit Pack Content page. (#1392)
The clear project contact form has been updated for a smoother experience.
These updates aim to improve your workflow and provide a more seamless experience within VMS. Enjoy the new features and enhancements in this latest release!
New in 2.16.0 (2023-04-20)
Added function to save subdomain to companies to support branding feature
The default office of Visual Domain is now automatically applied for internal videos when syncing to Algolia.
A new cancel button in credit order page has been added for Accounts team to cancel orders.
PSD mime type is now allowed for file upload.
A crew list is added on Deliveries tab to indicate who worked on each video
A new column of uuid is added into videos table.
New product element types Photographer, Assistant, and Runner, and event types for the same have been added.
Editing of order job change is disabled while waiting for client submission.
VLP url now gets subdomain version from the company when custom branding is used
Laravel version is upgraded to v9.
Copy to clipboard functionality has been removed on mobile devices for security reasons. Replacement function to come soon.
Bug Fixes:
Various bug fixes have been made on project main component, video library, and Filming Details tab when loading manual call sheet.
Users can now be added to Firebase when adding a contact through office create/edit page without any issues.
New in 2.15.0 (2023-03-30)
Demo Video:
New features:
Custom branding: video landing page now supports custom branding.
Branding: admin users can now add branding to the office and company.
Credit Information Tab: new columns have been added.
Credit Order Page: access to credit history is now available.
Credit History Popup: new columns have been added.
Credit value update: admin users can update credit value, price, etc.
Callsheet PDF styling: a new span has been added to the list of default styling that is overridden.
Credit Tracker Page: Credit History Modal has been added.
Credit Tracking Report Page: new columns have been added.
Contact form: a check has been added to see if the user has admin privileges.
Hyperlink: company and office name are now clickable in the project.
Form fields have been changed to be consistent across the project.
Deliveries tab header now has a menu on the top row.
File download method has been changed to chunk download.
Shooter introduction email has been changed to use producer instead of RM.
Shooter introduction email is now sent from producer, and reply-to should be from producer as well.
Project Dashboard Resource now loads project health only when requested.
Office name is now a link that navigates to Office page.
Office page tab is now navigable.
A status behavior on Video Upload page has been changed.
Client label on the event modal on the calendar page has been changed to Office.
Implementation on the project dashboard on hover API call has been changed.
Validation for shoot job scheduled time has been changed.
Filming details menu location has been changed.
Bugsnag for an invalid session has been removed.
Bug fixes:
Revision field bug has been fixed.
Pre-production layout form bug has been fixed.
New in 2.13.0 (2023-02-15)
Added the ability to load filtered video jobs from a URL.
Added the ability to refresh project status after a new job is added.
Added parallel test cases to CI/CD.
Added new logic to change project status when new job is added.
Added api routes for event bays.
Added new job, VideoUploadedEmailSender, that will send a delayed email notification.
Added the linked pre-production documents list in the event calendar header.
Fixed an issue with overlap contacts on mobile.
Fixed a console error with manual call sheet.
Fixed public layout header.
Fixed Video Information Updated triggering when no changes are made.
Changed the way error message popups are handled.
Changed the email content of Video Uploaded notification email.
Changed the way the general popover is displayed.
Changed the way on hover elements behave.
Changed logic when checking existing deals orders, filter out cancelled orders.
Changed logic of project status nightly script to include other job types.
Changed logic to send crew rating & shooter intro email group by order job.
Changed calendar page to load items on event bays only when opening event bays.
Changed logic to check http user agent only on production.
Changed unit-tests under tests/Unit to be compatible with Standalone Unit-test.
New in 2.12.0 (2023-02-07)
Added manual call sheet link feature.
Added responsive design on the "upload files" tab and video library.
Changed linking pre-production to use new API endpoint.
Added a list of linked pre-production documents in the event calendar header.
Removed the job details section from the calendar popup
Fixed a bug on testing sites when using responsive mode in web browser
Updated unit tests to be compatible with Standalone Unit-test.
Fixed existing standalone unit test cases.
New in 2.11.0 (released on January 20th, 2023):
Added the ability to put a project on hold
Added a confirmation pop-up when navigating call sheets
Added a log when linking pre-production
Improved the activity logs tab for better responsiveness
Changed how the "hold" button is displayed
Made it mandatory to enter estimated hours
Adjusted the default mobile breakpoint
Fixed a bug in the three dot menu dropdown
Added new functionality to update Xero invoices when a project is being invoiced.
Added a Bitbucket pipeline for continuous integration and continuous delivery.
Changed validation for removing inactive contacts from a project.
Changed the calendar event header details for project and event type names.
Removed the confirmation pop-up when resizing a calendar event.
New in 2.10.0 (released on December 13th, 2022):
Added the ability to add custom titles for contacts on contact sheets
Added a warning pop-up when archiving a project without hero videos
Improved the invoice tab for better responsiveness
Made the first row of the shoot schedule unmodifiable
Added a new condition to display Credit ID on Credit Purchased emails.
Added call-sheet PDF files as attachments to shooter schedule reminder and notify tomorrow's events emails.
Added a script to assign hero videos to all archived projects created in the last 12 months that don't have them yet.
Added logic to give default shoot schedules to call sheet data.
Added missing unit tests for the hold/unhold feature.
Changed the link for the project name on the project summary page to go to the project invoice tab in invoice verify emails.
Changed the text for new project/new credit order email notifications for Hubspot.
Removed the hair and makeup contact in the call sheet feature.
New in 2.9.0 (released on November 28th, 2022):
Added missing test cases for the "hold" feature
Added a query ID to the algolia event for optimization
Changed how project information is displayed in tooltips
Added a new queue for syncing videos with Algolia.
Changed the logic for the "meet your crew" email to include restricted users.
Fixed a calendar logic issue where shoot events were being refreshed incorrectly.
New in 2.8.1 (released on November 15th, 2022):
Fixed an issue with linking pre-production and updating shoot schedules
New in 2.8.0 (released on November 12th, 2022):
Fixed the "on hold" button on the filming details page
Fixed the start time for shoot events on the call sheet
Added a new script to send emails about completed/wrapped projects every Monday (for managers).
Added test cases for call sheet updates.
Changed the default invoicing term to "after key deliverable" when creating a new project.
Changed the logic for updating calendar events so that it doesn't redirect to the email page.
New in 2.7.0 (released on November 5th, 2022):
Added crew information to the filming details job
Added the ability to put a job "on hold" and reactivate it later
Added a button to view the call sheet PDF on filming jobs
Added a feature to open the project health on the project summary page upon loading
Added a feature to show crew information when hovering
Changed the names of shoot-related product elements.
Added a new script to send emails about completed projects every Monday.
Added call-sheet PDFs to "meet your crew" emails.
Added PDF export for shooter call-sheets.
Added four new shoot-related production elements and event types (Director of Photography, Gaffer, Grip, and Sound Engineer).
Added an API endpoint to put an order job on hold.
Changed the logic for creating calendar events to skip on hold jobs.
Changed how new filming details are created so that they're initially on hold.
Changed the layout for crew events emails.
Changed shoot-related production elements and event types (Shoot, Additional Shooter, and Shoot Assistant) to (Camera Operator, Second Camera Operator, Camera Assistant (AC)) respectively.
Changed the invoice details update log to include client/third-party contact details.
Fixed issues with the filename, tab title, location hyperlink, and extra spaces in general comments for the call-sheet PDF.
Fixed a sorting issue for the accounts order page.